Sufiya Number- -- a special issue of the Monthly Al-Mizaan on Tasawwauf that is considered a unique guide to be informed of Tasawwuf, its sources, principles, influences, golden times and the history of great persons and Sufis walked on this path which is the real path of Islam……………….This Special Number under the comprehensive guidance of Hazrat Sheikhe Tariqat Syed Mohammeed Jilan Ashraf (maddazil lahul aali) was published by Sufi Foundation of India and compiled by Prof. Masood Anwar Alwi (H.O.D. Arabic Department, AMU, Aligarh), Syed Shah Shamimuddin Ahmed Muna’mi (Sajjada Nashin Khanqahe Munamia, Patna, Bihar), Qari Mohammed Miyan Mazhari Naqshbandi, Syed Mohammed Jilani Ashraf (Chief and Founder of Sufi Foundation) and Mohammad Shahbaz Alam Misbahi (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)